
Brain Networks

  • Reviews: Topological Distances and Losses for Brain Networks, M. K. Chang, A. Smith, G. Siu (2021). This is a survey of shape approximating functions used in brain imaging - showing how persistent homology and Morse theory can be used to compute topological features of point cloud
    • Since this brings up Morse Theory, here are John Milnor’s very nice lecture notes from 1963: Morse Theory (last accessed Feb 2020)


  • Wikipedia: Persistent homology. Gives definition of persistent homology on filtered simplicial complexes \(\emptyset = K_0 \subseteq K_1 \subseteq ... \subseteq K_n = X\) as images of the simplicial homology maps \(H_p(K_i) \rightarrow H_p(K_j)\), and gives a list of software packages that compute persistent homology.
