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This is a list of notations and definitions used throughout the series.

Symbol Meaning
\(s \in \mathcal{S}\) States
\(a \in \mathcal{A}\) Actions
\(d_0(s)\) Initial distribution of states
\(p(s', r \vert s, a)\) State-reward transition probability of getting the next state $s’$ from the current state $s$ with action \(a\) and reward \(r \in \mathbb{R}\)
\(p(s' \vert s, a)\) State transition probability \(Pr(s_{t+1} = s' \vert s_t = s, a_t = a)\)
\(r(s, a, s')\) State-action-state reward \(\mathbb{E}[r_{t+1} \vert s_t = s, a_t = a, s_{t+1} = s']\)
\(r(s, a')\) State-action reward \(\mathbb{E}[r_{t+1} \vert s_t = s, a_t = a]\)
\(\pi(a \vert a)\) Policy
\(x \sim P\) \(x\) sampled with probability \(P\)
\(\tau\) State-action trajectory \(s_0, a_0, s_1, ..., a_{T-1}, s_T\) for \(T\) possibly infinite
\(\overline{\tau}\) State-action-reward trajectory \(s_0, a_0, r_1, s_1,..., a_{T-1}, r_{T-1}, s_T\)
\(\gamma\) Discount factor \(0 \le \gamma \le 1\), always \(\lt 1\) for infinite trajectories
\(r(\overline{\tau})\) Return of the state-action-reward trajectory $$
\(J_\pi\) Agent objective \(\mathbb{E}_{\overline{\tau} \sim \pi}[r(\overline{\tau})]\) when we follow policy \(\pi\)
\(V_\pi(s)\) State value function \(\mathbb{E}_{s_0=s, \overline{\tau} \sim \pi}[r(\overline{\tau})]\) when we follow policy \(\pi\)
\(Q_\pi(s, a)\) Action value function \(\mathbb{E}_{s_0=s, a_0=a, \overline{\tau} \sim \pi}[r(\overline{\tau})]\) when we follow policy \(\pi\)
\(A_\pi(s, a)\) Advantage function \(Q_\pi(s, a) - V_\pi(s)\)
\(V_*(s), Q_*(s, a)\) Optimal state and action value functions
\(\mathbb{N}, \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{R}\) The sets of nonnegative integers, integers, and real numbers
Term Meaning
the model \(p(s' \vert s, a)\) in an MDP - sometimes known in advance (e.g. in a simulated environment), other times learned through sampling
the policy \(\pi(a \vert s)\) in an MDP
bootstrapping an algorithm is bootstrapping if it uses predicted output as targets