

Classical Mechanics


  • Gravitation, Misner, Thorne, Wheeler (1973). I have not read it, but it’s supposed to be ‘the’ reference on gravity as of the 1970s. And it’s supposed to have really clear physical interpretation of differential geometric concepts.

Statistical Mechanics

Ising Model

Quantum Mechanics

Axiomatic Systems for Quantum Mechanics

Geometric Quantization

Geometric Mechanics


Lecture Notes


  • Leonard Susskind: All Stanford physics lectures in order
    • Classical Mechanics (Fall 2011)
      • Lecture 1 Newton’s laws
      • Lecture 2 Principle of least action. Lagrangian.
      • Lecture 3. Proof of the principle of least action. Equivalence with Newton’s laws. Examples.
      • Lecture 4. Lagrangian in polar coordinates. Continuous symmetries and the Noether Theorem. Conservation of energy. Hamiltonian.
      • Lecture 5 Examples. Conservation of energy. Noether’s theorem.
      • Lecture 6 Using Lagrangians to solve simple problems: Object sliding on inclined plane which slides on horizontal plane. Double pendulum. The Hamiltonian. Hamilton’s equations. Example: the harmonic oscillator.
      • Lecture 7 The Hamiltonian as energy. Divergence. The Liouville theorem. Definition of Poisson bracket.
      • Lecture 8 Poisson brackets \(\{F, G\}\). Poisson brackets in coordinates $q, p$. Derivation of \(\dot{F} = \{F, H\}\) for the Hamiltonian \(H\). Symmetries and conservation seen through the Poisson bracket - the Hamiltonian version of the Noether theorem. Angular momentum \(L_x = yp_z - zp_y\), \(L_y = zp_x - xp_z\), \(L_z = xp_y - yp_x\), its Poisson brackets with \(x, y, z\) and other angular momentum components \(L_x, L_y, L_z\). The gyroscope. Not mentioned: Poisson brackets also satisfy a Jacoby identity.
      • Lecture 9 Gradient, curl, divergence. Divergence of curl is zero. Fields with zero divergence are curls. Curl of gradient is zero. Fields with zero curl are gradients. Electrostatic field \(\vec{E}\). Magnetic field \(\vec{B}\). Comparison of magnetic force with Coriolis force. Zero divergence of magnetic field. Vector potential \(\vec{A}\) defined so its curl is \(\vec{B}\). Non-uniqueness of \(\vec{A}\), up to gauge transformation \(\vec{A} + \vec{\nabla}f\). Origin of term gauge as historical glitch. Lorenz force \(\vec{F} = e (-\vec{\nabla}V + \frac{\vec{v}}{c} \times \vec{B})\). Lagrangian for Lorenz force \(\mathcal{L} = \frac{m}{2} \dot{x}^2 - eV + \frac{e}{c} \vec{A} \cdot \dot{x}\). Gauge invariance of the Lagrangian least action.
      • Lecture 10 Lagrangian of a particle in a magnetic field. Gauge invariance. Mechanical vs. canonical momentum. The Hamiltonian. Motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. Non-existence in practice of magnetic monopoles. Theoretical construction of a magnetic monopole.
    • Quantum Entanglement (2006)
      • Lecture 1 Classical bits. States in classical Physics. Transformations. Reversibility. Computability of states and transformations. Vectors, matrices.
      • Lecture 2: Electron spin. Complex vector spaces. Bra-kets. Quantum bit. Hermitian matrices as observables.
      • Lecture 3 Pauli matrices. Spin. Probabilistic interpretation.
      • Lecture 4 Probabilities between any two spin directions. There always exist a direction for which a vector is an eigenvector of measuring spin in that direction. Quantum entagled pair of electrons. How to create an entangled pair.
    • General Relativity (Fall 2012), not yet watched
    • Quantum Mechanics (Winter 2012), not yet watched
    • Special Relativity and Electrodynamics (Spring 2012), not yet watched
    • Cosmology (Winter 2013), not yet watched
    • Statistical Mechanics (Spring 2013), Andrei’s notes
    • Supplemental Courses, Archived Courses




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